Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Life in Knoxville has brought about several changes, and a year after the move I'm a more well rounded rider. I have broadened the scope of my riding to: road, cyclocross, downhill, freeride, enduro, alley cat racing, cross country, epic mountain biking, urban assault, singlespeed, 29"ers, greenway riding and the combination of any of the above with the infamous booze cruise.

Fueling the motivation to ride, Knoxville is perfectly located to be in short reach of the best trails the southeast. And if riding in the mountains builds character, I'm working on writing a book. But character wears thin, you have to continually renew character, so I go back frequently.

So after a year of riding harder trails and longer rides more frequently, I'm happy with my performance in what I consider my rookie year. Biting off some big rides and doing well is something I wouldn't have expected for myself a few years ago.


Cleveland Steamer said...

You are going to be proud of your accomplishments when you didn't even finish the swank? I have got to say I would be a little ashamed myself. I think you should go back and finish for pete's sake.

Thomas said...

Yea, I was bummed when I realized the course had been re-routed omiting the last 6 miles. I wanted to ride the whole thing.
But, I followed the course that was marked for me, I would have finished the original course but that had changed by the time I came through. I went the direction I was flagged. From what I can tell only a small portion rode the course as it was marked.
So back off my accomplishments and reveal yourself mr. steamer.