Monday, August 30, 2010

The Hangover

The Hangover at Joyce Kilmer National Forest has been an elusive peak.
On my first attempt, a year ago, I picked it out of a map at random. We followed Hangover lead away from the actual Hangover, since my map did not mark the overlook. On our next attempt, we were thwarted by a fussy 1 year old in a back-pack. On the third attempt, I had car trouble on the way up to the trailhead.
This was my fourth attempt, and I was determined to make this one. I had some luck, in that, I ran into a group from Atlanta that had a shuttle set up at Wolf Laurel trail head, and I was able to do a point to point from Swain Cabin. Thanks AOC!

The Hangover

The Swain Cabin

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